When you need to know how to improve your business – get it from the horse’s mouth
Three Plus’ marketing perception surveys are designed to build stronger client relationships, identify specific business development opportunities, and inform marketing and communication strategies.
We meet with your existing or previous clients and strengthen relationships by asking a range of questions:
- What do you do best?
- What can you do better?
- What should you stop doing?
- Where are the opportunities to work together more?
And we can meet with your potential clients and ask:
- Which competitor do you currently use?
- Why do you use them?
- Might you use someone else?
- What are the opportunities coming up?
The best marketing is backed by research
The father of American department stores, John Wanamaker, is credited with saying, “Half my advertising budget is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” Three Plus’ marketing perception surveys will help you resolve that issue – contact us today for more information.